护事 | 临床病史与患者,哪个更重要?



“Nowadays the clinical history too often weighs more than the man” -----Martin H. Fischer.

Do you agree with this statement? Express your opinion.

Martin H. Fischer说过:“如今临床病史比人更重要。”你赞同这样的说法吗?请表达你的观点。)




“As far as I'm concerned, this opinion is seriously putting the cart before the horse. No matter how the medicine develops, Man is always the core of the clinical history. ”易怀秀小姐姐在其论文开头便霸气表述了自己的不同看法。易怀秀小姐姐毕业于南京医科大学,现在是护理学院一年级研究生,攻读方向是妇产科护理学,师从顾平老师,目前在市妇幼轮转实习。









同为南医大护理学院临床护理学系一年级研究生的刘玲珑同学在其文章中也表示:“I still hold the view that patients themselves are more important for medical treatments......Best way is to select special treatment plans

for different patients.”










As far as I'm concerned, this opinion is seriously putting the cart before the horse. No matter how the medicine develops, Man is always the core of the clinical history. The ultimate purpose of sorting out and studying clinical history is for man's health. The importance of the clinical history should not be exaggeratively viewed higher than that of man for the following reasons.

First of all, the concept of man is indistinct, it should include patients, doctors, clinical students, etc. Man and clinical history are interactional. Take the patient as an example, Patient is both the provider and beneficiary of clinical history. Recording patients’ clinical medical history is also beneficial for mastering their individual health status and providing reference for their own diagnosis and treatment in the future.

Secondly, the purpose of clinical research is to investigate more optimized prevention, treatment and nursing care for diseases and finally to promote humans’ health .During this process, collecting and managing the data of clinical history for reference is just one part of the research period.

Thirdly, every one of us living on the same earth will has the chance to be a patient during our life. We should pay more attention to our own health condition by seeking scientific lifestyle and improving the living environment rather than limiting our vision of the hospital, the disease itself or even just clinical history.

In conclusion, clinical history should be reasonably viewed as a powerful factor to promoting man’s health.


Nowadays, scholars have different views on whether medical employees should pay more attention to the clinical history or patient's own condition. Although, the eminent scholar Fishcher believes that the clinical history is more important than the patient in most cases, I still hold the view that patients themselves are more important for medical treatments.

It is very obvious that the clinical history can assist doctors to quickly understand the basic conditions of the patients. For example, a clinical history document records a large number of significant clinical details about this patient, including the past treatment conditions and even the course of diagnosis. Therefore, it provides assistance for medical works.

However, on the other hand, patients should be placed in the predominant place in the progress of clinical work. To begin with, this behavior is responsible for patient's health and safety. This is because clinical history is likely to represent the past situation of the patient, whereas the disease is developing constantly, hence, it is safer and more effective to treat  patient's disease with current conditions rather than the history. In addition, it can promote the comprehensive abilities of medical workers. Even if different patients suffer from the same disease, their symptoms may not be identical, and this requires medical workers to make the up-to-date critical diagnosis through communication and physical examination with patients. Consequently this process improves their critical thinking and communication skills.

In conclusion, we should refer to the clinical history. Nonetheless, clinical diagnosis and treatment should focus on patients. Best way is to select special treatment plans for different patients.








 “В наши дни история болезни человека часто «весит» больше, чем он сам”. (Мартин Фишер). Согласны ли вы с этим утверждением? Выразите свое мнение.


“Nowadays the clinical history too often weighs more than the man” (Martin H. Fischer). Do you agree with this statement? Express your opinion.


“In unserer Zeit ist die Krankengeschichte schwieriger, als der Mensch selbst.” (Martin H. Fischer) Sind Sie mit dieser Aussage einverstanden? Äußern Sie Ihre Meinung.


“Aujourd'hui, les antécédents médicaux sont trop souvent plus significatifs qu’une personne elle-même ». (Martin H. Fischer)Êtes-vous d’accord avec cet énoncé? Exprimez votre opinion.


初赛结果将在2019年3月5 日VSMU的官方网站(https://vrngmu.ru)和语言竞赛的官方网站(https://medicine-and-langvsmu.jimdofree.com)上公布。








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